You did such a wonderful job on the last set of hospital gown girls! I especially enjoyed the younger looking patients of number 16, 35, 53, and 93!
I'd love to see pictures of the girls taking a stress test! Treadmill or bicycle, hospital gown or athletic wear, or just bra and panties perhaps. Blood pressure obviously, but ekg leads/wires/electrodes would be a nice touch.
Thanks again for all your wonderful work, you've really nailed BP cuffs with AI, which is very impressive!
I'd love to see pictures of the girls taking a stress test! Treadmill or bicycle, hospital gown or athletic wear, or just bra and panties perhaps. Blood pressure obviously, but ekg leads/wires/electrodes would be a nice touch.
Thanks again for all your wonderful work, you've really nailed BP cuffs with AI, which is very impressive!
I have already placed a similar order (, I don’t want to repeat it.
Maybe later I’ll post more pictures from my last order.
Maybe later I’ll post more pictures from my last order.
I accept applications from blood pressure measurement enthusiasts on this topic. I draw anime girls …