보고싶은 캐릭터, 커플링 등을 적어주세요. 장르 무관. 여건이 될 때 골라서 그립니다! 응원 메세지도 대환영!
Please write down the character or cp that you want to see. All genres are available. I draw it later when I can afford it. A cheering message is also great.
見たいキャラクターやcpなどを書いてください。 ジャンル無官。与件になる時選んで描きます! 応援メッセージも大歓迎!
Please write down the character or cp that you want to see. All genres are available. I draw it later when I can afford it. A cheering message is also great.
見たいキャラクターやcpなどを書いてください。 ジャンル無官。与件になる時選んで描きます! 応援メッセージも大歓迎!