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Main Features of MLA Writing Techniques

The Modern Language Association (MLA) is an organization that safeguards modern writing standards. It issues their standards for writing essays and research papers. This article is directed at students writing essays in this format.

The basic requirements for the Modern Language Association essay are the following:

Use 12-point font size: This is the most popular size in professional and casual writing alike. A major component of modern manuscripts is to write all material in this font with a majority of publishers recommending it.

Use Times New Roman: This is also a widely used theme font when typing manuscripts electronically. In the past, most typewriter machines had this theme font and now most word-processing software in computer uses it as a default. According to MLA standards, Times New Roman theme font is recommended for all writing. Therefore, if you are writing an essay in MLA, use Times New Roman.

One-inch margin on all the four corners of the sheet: For the best presentation, MLA fixes the margin size on all four corners of the page to one inch. This is the standard margin size for most publishing agencies. This is why everyone writing in MLA must comply with these margins.

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Double spaced with no extra spaces for paragraphs: It is recommended by the MLA to write everything double spaced so that writing is easily readable. This is so that while editing, a proofreader can write their corrections in the exact place of the corrections. Moreover, the traditional way of placing spacing at the start and end of paragraphs is so that paragraphs can be seen as separate entities. However in the MLA's format, this is prohibited. Only double spaces are allowed.

Technology Essay

The International English Test for Language Studies (IETLS) is great to peruse when you are preparing to write a technology essay. These technology essays are often done to prepare for a test. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to be concise about the logic and structure of the essay. It will be evaluated and held to strict scientific standards, thus the text in your technology essay must be sharp and convincing. The following tips need to be emphasized in the technology essay in order to get a top grade.

The title should be very attractive and explain the essay's subject matter well and why it is important.

By the term technology, you need to make it clear that you are writing about new innovations. This means that you have a thorough knowledge about new technologies and how they are being used. These elements need to be present in the essay's plot.

There should be some good introduction about the technology you are going to discuss. This is accomplished by using elaborations in the introduction to give future arguments some point of reference. The general subject deserves your full attention.

After the introduction, you need write the plot. It should be very effective, concise, and informatively written. The essay's success is largely dependent on how much the author utilizes all of these necessary elements.

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