自分が作品をつくるならこういうのがいい! という妄想を適当に書いてください。勝手ながら、あくまで『刺激を貰いたい』、『Fanboxの作品づくりの参考にさせていただきたい』という場ですので、Skebやリクエストのように頂いた内容をそのまま作品にするわけではないことをご了承くださいませ。
Please write about your fantasy of what you would like to create if you are writing a story. Please understand that this is a place to “get inspiration” and “to use as a reference for creating works in Fanbox”, and I don't intend to create works based on what you have written, as is the case with Skeb and Requests.
Please write about your fantasy of what you would like to create if you are writing a story. Please understand that this is a place to “get inspiration” and “to use as a reference for creating works in Fanbox”, and I don't intend to create works based on what you have written, as is the case with Skeb and Requests.