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Improve Reaction Time Test

Shortening reaction time helps improve virtually everything - from playing sports to driving safely to even saving someone’s life! In the sports’ world it’s especially crucial, and could dictate whether an athlete wins or loses a game or competition. The definition of reaction time is the time between a stimulus and a response. Essentially, this gap is the sum of the time it takes for a person to recognize the stimuli, process it and select a response.

A multitude of factors can influence reaction time, including the type of stimuli (visual, auditory, sensory, etc.), the ability to recognize the stimulus (amongst perhaps distracting stimuli), age, health factors, substance use and more. However, one can do certain things to help shorten their reaction time. It doesn’t happen overnight, but use some of these tips and you’ll be able to see substantial results.

Reaction Training

For even more effective reaction training, combine the cognitive challenge with a physical challenge. For example, a reaction training drill isn’t just about dribbling and shooting a basket, but dribbling until you recognize a signal and shoot a basket as fast as possible.

Different amazing reaction training system provides a wide selection of activities that combine cognitive and physical elements, and even specific skills from different sports fields. Their flashing visual cues are designed as the perfect stimuli to generate tangible results quickly and shorten reaction time. You can also track your results with real-time data to monitor progress and improve every session.

Play sports - especially team ball sports

Sports and physical fitness improves your reaction time by getting your body in shape and sharpening your mind. Team ball sports games are especially effective because although they have a strict set of game rules, there are a lot of variables that a player has to deal with in real-time. You have to be super aware of your teammates and surroundings, and react quickly and efficiently when an opportunity arises.

Practicing the ability to remain focused amongst distractions (which enhances focus and attention skills), and execute certain actions (shooting a basket, for example) when you recognize certain cues (let’s say, the defense has moved up court) will definitely help shorten your reaction time.


Meditation helps sharpen the senses, calm the mind and relax the muscles. Being tense and having stiff muscles slows reactions, whereas deep breathing and a relaxed yet alert disposition will make you react quicker. Meditation and mindfulness help cultivate this relaxed yet alert state, and can clear your head to facilitate fast, sharp reactions, thus shortening your reaction time. Try guiding a relaxing and focusing meditation right before your athletes compete or step on the field.

Play video games and Esports

Some methods of reaction training, that utilize the gamification element to incentivize players to work harder. They feel that their training is a game, so they “forget” how challenging it actually is.

Hydrate and get enough sleep

Being sleep deprived or dehydrated can make you sluggish, and have a huge effect on reflexes and reaction time. The brain actually shrinks when it’s dehydrated, so it’s super important to drink enough water every day (at least half a gallon). As for sleep, your body has to recharge in order to function properly, so a good night’s sleep of approximately 8 hours can make you sharper and faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good reaction time?

A typical human reaction time is 200 to 300 milliseconds. You can use numerous online tools to test reaction time

What affects your reaction time?

Many factors have been shown to affect reaction times, including age, gender, physical fitness, fatigue, distraction, alcohol, personality type, and whether the stimulus is auditory or visual.

How fast can a human react?

On average, reaction time takes between 150 and 300 milliseconds. If that sounds like a long time, think about how much has to happen for you to react

What foods increase reaction time?

Vitamin-rich foods like broccoli, kale, and spinach are said to improve overall brain function. These small changes to your diet can have a profound effect on your reaction times


These are the main ways to improve your athletes’ reaction time.


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