私の名前は “旅人”,絵は初心者ですが、けものフレンズが大好きなので、だから自分の手で描こうと思ったんです😌
Welcome to all of you who love kemono friends!
My name is "Travelerll", although I am a beginner, but I love kemono friends very much, so I want to draw cute friends by my hand.😌
I like interesting animal photos most, so I can turn the animals in the photo into cute friends!Of course, you can bring up other ideas as well,as long as it's not something weird, I'll try to draw it!😉
私の名前は “旅人”,絵は初心者ですが、けものフレンズが大好きなので、だから自分の手で描こうと思ったんです😌
Welcome to all of you who love kemono friends!
My name is "Travelerll", although I am a beginner, but I love kemono friends very much, so I want to draw cute friends by my hand.😌
I like interesting animal photos most, so I can turn the animals in the photo into cute friends!Of course, you can bring up other ideas as well,as long as it's not something weird, I'll try to draw it!😉