how many miles is 12000 steps?
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Hi, I’m John Doe, an author passionate about lifestyle, business, technology, fashion, and personal improvement. Recently, I addressed a common question on my blog, Vronns: How many miles is 12,000 steps? While the answer varies depending on your stride length, on average, 12,000 steps is roughly equivalent to 5 to 6 miles. This estimate assumes a typical stride length of 2.1 to 2.5 feet. By understanding this, readers can more accurately track their walking progress and set realistic fitness goals. Whether I’m writing about health, productivity, or self-improvement, my aim is to offer practical insights that help people lead healthier, more fulfilled lives. My content on Vronns is designed to empower readers with the knowledge to make informed decisions, improve their well-being, and succeed in both personal and professional areas. Visit Us:
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