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      Who should Shikdai end up with at the end? Thoughts?
      idk, but I feel a strong gay vibe from Shikadai, so if it were up to me, Id have Ryougi back (it's unfair that he stayed in prison when Sumire and Buntan were given a second chance) and let them end up together.
      If not Ryougi, then it should be Mirai. I'm still very angry that they seem to have missed the opportunity to make Asuma's daughter + Shikamaru's son a real thing, it would be beautiful story 😭 btw I still keep some fan merch with them
    • お題
      приветики!! а можно, пожалуйста, попросить рисунок борусары от тебя?? у тебя такой прелестный стиль, нежнейший🥹🫶🏻 спасибо что рисуешь инохиму, я их тоже невыносимо люблю и твои арты спасают меня🙏🏻❤️‍🩹
      Хаюшки! Спасибо за теплые слова, но борусару прям не люблю совсем.

      Один раз я их всё же рисовала для коллажа с пейрингами, вот тут, если интересно:

      Запросы рисую выборочно, поэтому, извини, но от твоего откажусь)
    • お題
      Hi!! I love your art you’re seriously carrying the inohima fandom I hope their potential won’t go to waste. I also want more fanfics of these two 🥲
      Hey-hey!! Aww thanks a lot, It's really cute, I'm doing my best ^^
      Let's hope Ike/Kishimoto doesn't make such a mistake! I expect their relationship keeps moving forward.
      Oh, I rarely read fanfic now, but I remember one from 2017, it was in indonesian (a language I don't speak) and I had to use a translator to read it, but I was still so excited :DD If you're interested, here it is
      I hope that since InoHima fanbase has started to grow, there will be more different content soon
    • お題
      If you had to guess what would be the canon ships in Boruto? There is not much ship teasing compared to Naruto. InoHima probably has a good of chance of any given what we are seeing in the manga.
      I honestly don't know, a lot depends on who they're going to kill in the second half of the story. FE Mitsuki is the most likely one for me, also if Kishi/Ikemoto has the guts, then I'd assume that Boruto will end up in the grave too (the shadow hokage role or whatever).
      + I doubt that there will be many couples in the end. If Inojin and Hima survive, then IH will be canon, no doubt, same goes for Bsa, prob Mitsuchou (but I wouldn't bet on Mitsuki's life) and Iwabe/Wasabi.
      There is also a fanservice option that I really hope won't happen, but if it does so kwsu and shika/yodo
    • お題
      Hello! Do you support any other ships from BORUTO besides InoHima? I've seen you draw some before but Iguess you did it on request. I will understand if you choose not to respond to this question, I'm just curious.
      Ans please sorry for my not good English (/▿\ )
      InoHima is all I'm really focused on. Ofc, I support some others, but I'm not really deep into any of these ships and moreover, mostly it's a rare or even crack (e.g. I enjoy the dynamics that could be between Shikadai and Tsubaki, but so far exists only in my head lmao)
      There are several ships that I really dislike or maybe even hate, but I'm not sure I should name them XD Anyway, at the moment, I'm only here for InoHima.

      And don't worry about your english with me, I'm not a native eng speaker either, I won't judge :3

